Monday, 15 September 2008

CS in a lab !

In the mean while, Prof. Y enters the lab to check wht Mr.X is doing (Mr. X is playing CS) ..
Mr. X turns around !!
Prof. Y takes a luk @ the score ..

this cartoon is sketched only using free hand ( text boxes are edited using photoshop ) ..


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

meeto eppudu reverse e kada u go to the prof's room with ur work even before he can come to urs. Btw good sketches and nice post. CS rocksssss and pondy double rocks

Fat Cow said...

I wish my prof was like the one mentioned in the comic strip. Enjoyed reading it.

Anonymous said...

cool prof and nice sketches !!!!

@nks said...

so ... pondy which prof caught u playing CS ??

hellboy said...

@chand: :D

@supercrazybhanu: :)) .. :D .. thnx :)

@prateek, kulbir: tnx :D

@ @nks: dont u remember "zulu" invading our labs in 2nd yr :P ..

praveen said...

so u made all the drawings??

Unknown said...

Nice Sketches !!
Nice thought
btw... which prof u tht he was not in IIIT m sure :P

Turbo said...

man... you rock at sketches too! awesome!

hellboy said...

@praveen: yup :D .. complete copy rights r mine :D ..

@prakhar: tnx :)

@turbo: tnx dude :D ..

Anonymous said...

Mastaaru ... meelo manchi artist vunnadani ippude telsindi. Pics lo sir kante meere baagunnaru :P...

adiraayi mee sketches.

Neeraj Bagdia said...

Hope our prof is d same as mentioned :P :P

Unknown said...

Nice blog dude.. was not in touch with the blogger community in our college.

so where is this iiit blog roll? I also would like to be added... :D

hellboy said...

@phani: tnx :) .. url is

The many faces of stupidity said...

cool! nice sketches