Thursday, 13 August 2009

Relapsing blogger community !!

Its been a long time since I wrote my last post !! But, here I am, finally back to blogging :-D ..

A few points to be noted from the blogroll:

I. Got bored of the same 'thesis' posts by rama :P ..

II. Ankit's cheap take to increase his "TRPs" :P ..

III. Come on shiben, we need more GAME from you :D

IV. Where are the IV, Halley, NIR and of course not to mention "The ghost runner" ..

V. SMR, we need you back to the blogging sphere :D, we seriously miss ur awesome blog ( yeah yeah .. he is back in college ) ..

VI. Have to applaud Makrand for his excellent stories ..

VI. Any plans to revive IIITBUZZ ??

Apart from the above, a heck lot of things r happening with the institute these days (this part is for all those 'alumni' creatures living away from the college :P) ...

1. No YSR/his speech this time for the convocation :))

2. You guyz should have already known about the dress code :P

3. IIIT participated in 5th round of counselling

4. No jeevan vidya week this time .. Instead a new course called "search for a human society" is being offered :)) ( I guess all the telugus remember 'anukokunda oka roju' )

5. The college threw a lavish party to all the corporate folks, but none still came forward for the donations .. So, high fees for quite some time to come

6. UGC committee hailed IIIT-H to be the best they have seen so far in India ( dunno if this is for good/bad ) .. and recommended others to follow us ( I guess the same old dictatorship continues :)) ) ..

7. I guess the GALS : BOYS ratio has increased drastically this year .. Is this an anomaly or a sign of what is to come in the near future ? :P ..

PS1: Relapse - beautiful rocks :)

PS2: For how long has IIIT-H been listed at #1 in SPOJ ?? .. I badly need the answer ( has to go into the convocation address it seems )

PS3: We badly need to revive the CS community in the college .. The tradition of producing some very good GAMERS is coming to an end ..

PS4: ICE AGE - 3 is awesome ..

PS5: The most annoying Q: Which year are you in ?? .. A: 6th yr :( ... anywayz, we CVITians need not take it seriously since its taken for granted as per the tradition :P ..

PS6: Some one please update the authorities with the statistics.. they still think the "normal" ppl will leave in 5 yrs :)) (as per the orientation prog.) ...

PS7: I suppose this is the longest take on PSs after a loooong time :D ..


Saladi Rahul said...

I generally do not read many blogs and have not seen anyone write a blog in the manner u have written :D :D .... No offense please....

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... stopped getting obsessed with blogging community of IIIT :P well there are a lot of fishes outside this pond.. Although its great to see some new fishes (read 2k6,2k7) entering the pond :D always glad to see more bloggers from IIIT (btw yeah IV,Hally,nir where are you guys??? :P)

srivatsava said...

was like a newspaper update :P.

Anyway... "7. I guess the GALS : BOYS ratio has increased drastically this year .. Is this an anomaly or a sign of what is to come in the near future ? :P .. " is interesting..

ShArK said...

I hate being asked "Which year are you in ?" I'm in that year where I can whack your @$$ for asking that question x-(

mythalez said...

they are not same .. each one of the thesis posts is different :P

HalleY said...

Halley was here :P
I think everyone got busy ..
I think some like me got more frustu more philosophical and blogging seems to be so petty in the large scheme of things :P ...
But yeah i do blahg now and then .. jus to remind me what a bliss Blah.Tech in IIIT-H was .. and how blahging added blah to the blah here :)

Unknown said...

Were you asked to prepare a list of points on activity in the blogroll and IIIT in general for your adviser? :P

Anonymous said...

i m not paying for your box of sprouts next time ... !!

Naagas said...

did u purposefully write 7 points in each category or is it just a coincidence. I don't see any reason categorizing them, actually.

hellboy said...

@saladi, @sri: hmmmmm ..

@himank: yeah .. we need to stop getting obsessed with the blogroll :)

@shark: lol ..

@mythalez: but with the same boring genre :P ..

@halley: nice to c u back :) ..

@avinash: haha ..

@anks: come on dude :P .. chill :D ..

@naagas: Its pure coincidence .. I did realise the same thing after publishing the post ..

Aditya Veluguri said...

Ni profile ki nuvvu rasina blog suit avvadhu mama ..

Aditya Veluguri said...

Ni profile ki nuvvu rasina blog suit avvadhu mama ..

Aditya Veluguri said...

Ni profile ki nuvvu rasina blog suit avvadhu mama ..

Anonymous said...

>>> 7. I guess the GALS : BOYS ratio has increased drastically this year ..

Come on pondy.. This time there's lot of hope. Jeevitam lo settle aipotaaniki oka manchi avakaasham. Miss cheskoku. Already *** ;)

Anonymous said...

>>> 7. I guess the GALS : BOYS ratio has increased drastically this year ..

Come on pondy.. This time there's lot of hope. Jeevitam lo settle aipotaaniki oka manchi avakaasham. Miss cheskoku. Already *** ;)