Wednesday, 1 September 2010

ragging !@!$#@%$%$#

first post of 2010 ! .. phew :) .. ok .. lets get back .. after yet another brief oblivion, my blog is back baby !! ..

btw .. first thingz first .. congrats to Mr. Mythalez ( aka rama ;) ) for completing his FOUR years of UK life .. I believe that might be the reason he went mad in his previous post :P ..

Anywayz .. I have been listening about some ragging issue in the campus (atleast, thts the latest buzz) .. Is it just me or anyone else finding "jeevan vidya" having an ill effect on senior-junior relationship? .. I haven't heard any of the ug98-2k4 batches complaining about ragging! .. we actually had a very nice time during those "interaction" sessions .. u get to learn a lot more than u can ever imagine.. I believe that ragging within a limit is always fun .. but that limit depends on the junior ofcourse .. its upto the senior to guage a junior's threshold ..

In any case, one thingz for sure .. a freshman who complains about "ragging" will find the same reason silly once he/she becomes a sophomore .. I see this happening year after year after year in the campus ..

P.S: btw .. "coprophilia" based videos are disgusting :P ..


Abhishek said...

Seriously... people have made ragging a BIG issue !! The repercussions are daunting. :(

Himank Sharma said...

There's still ragging going on in the campus.. I thought it was done and dusted away with... Baah... I shud have ragged in my 3rd/4th yrs :P

mythalez said...

err .. do I say thanks?

btw, its Dr. Mythalez now :P

The Kid said...

no blog posts this year?

The Kid said...

you should try zeoling?

zeole = location + blogging.

Rule 1: go to and login
Rule 1: pick your city
Rule 2: Start writing

It is fun when you are blogging with lots of people. try zeoling and let me know